Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Medium Format Camera

Medium format has traditionally referred to a film format in still photography and the related cameras and equipment that use this film. Generally, the term applies to film and cameras used to produce images larger than the 24 by 36 mm of 135 film, but smaller than the 4”×5” size, which is considered to be large format.

In digital photography, medium format refers either to cameras adapted from medium format film photography uses, or to cameras making use of sensors larger than that of a 35 mm film frame. Often, medium format film cameras can be fitted with digital camera backs, converting them to digital cameras, but some of these digital backs, especially early models, use sensors smaller than a 35 mm film frame. As of 2006, medium format digital photography sensors were available in sizes of up to 36 by 48 mm, with 39 million pixels for use with commonly available professional medium format cameras. Sensors used in special applications such as spy satellites can be even larger, but are not necessarily described as medium format equipment

Medium Format Camera [company]

,Bronica,Contax,Fuji,Halina,Hasselblad, [who set the standard for the medium format in professional photography in 1948],Holga,Horseman,Jenoptik {Known for Zeiss and Eyelike brands},Kiev,Leaf Medium Format Photography,Leica,Mamiya,Minolta,Pentacon six,Pentax,Phase One,Rollei{ including the Rolleiflex},Seagull Camera,Sinar,Yashica,Graflex,Omega,Voigtländer,Zeiss

35mm format equivalent

How much of the scene (angel of view)the lens can capture depends on the lens focal length and sensor size. since the angle of view varies depending on the camera's sensor size ,the focal length equivalent to the 35mm format that most users are familiar with is often stated. for example, with an APS-C size sensor, the focal length equivalent to the 35mm format can be calculated by multiplying the lens focal length by 1.6

The refers to the most commonly used film size. the picture size of 35mm film is 24mm (H)*36mm(W).

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